jueves, 20 de febrero de 2020

Prepositions (grammar, 6º)

In these links you can practice different prepositions. Some of them we learnt this year, some you learnt other years. It´s impossible to find extra practice for ONLY the prepositions we are learning right now in class, so in these links you´ll find many more:

In this link, you can have some exercises to practice using the prepositions, organised in categories:


In these links, the preopositions are mixed:

https://www.test-english.com/grammar-points/b1/verb-preposition/      (this link has three exercises, choose the number on the top right part of the exercise)

https://www.english-grammar.at/online_exercises/prepositions/prep019-roald-dahl.htm  (fill in the gaps in a text about Roald Dahl)


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