martes, 31 de marzo de 2020


Hello everybody! On Thursday you are going to do a listening based on the book "Goodnight Stories for Rebel Girls". What a bout reading a review for the book?   (this is A2 level)   (this is B1 level)

In both links, you have exercises to do to check how much you understood after you finished the reading.

Did you like the review?

lunes, 30 de marzo de 2020


Hello everybody!

Last week I told you about David Walliams´free audiobooks. Today, I bring you more free audiobooks:

You can listen to them for free. Hope you enjoy it!

Also, Rosetta Stone has a free, 3 month free access for children. There are lots of languages, not just English. Do you want to give it a go?

6º, Unit 9: Definining and non-defining relative clauses

In these links you can revise the theory , and do some exercises to practice: ( the exercises are mixed with the theory)

And more exercises here:  ( there are three exercises in this link, make sure you do all of them!)

jueves, 26 de marzo de 2020


Good morning! I came across a few interesting links for all of you to make the most of the lockdown!

- How about starting every day with a bit of physical exercise? This P.E. teacher is going to upload a workout every morning at 9 a.m. (the videos are later on YouTube, in case you can´t do it at that time)

- Feel like cooking? In this link you can see some ideas for kids from Jamie Oliver´s website. A great way to improve your food and cooking vocabulary while you have fun!

-  This chef cooks live with kids every Monday and Wednesday at 4. You can access the direct links if you click below ( maybe the English is a bit more advanced here, but remember you can slow down the speed of the video, which makes it a bit easier to understand)

Hope you like them! Did you try any of them? What did you think?

miércoles, 25 de marzo de 2020

25/3: David Walliams´audiobooks and phrasal verbs game

Hello everybody! For 30 days, David Walliams, the writer,  will release a free audiobook every day.

Go to this link:

And on the left, click where it says: " Click here for today’s free audio story from The World’s Worst Children!"

Every day there will be a new one!

Do you want to play a game to revise phrasal verbs? Click the link below!

martes, 24 de marzo de 2020


 Hello everyone! Phrasal verbs are used all the time in English. In this link, you can see phrasal verbs used to talk about daily routines. They show you the meaning of each of them.

 How many of them did you know?

In this link you can read an interview with two skaters. First do the preparation exercise, and when you finish reading, do the two exercises at the end to check your understanding.

lunes, 23 de marzo de 2020


Hello everyone!Hope you had a good weekend!

In this link you can access some games( in Spanish) to revise Social Science, using games for Primary 6 students:

In the link below, you can read some information about the Internet. After you read the text, there are two exercises to check how much you understood:

viernes, 20 de marzo de 2020


Today it´s Friday!

How about we watch a video about a Lego world record? You can activate the subtitles at the bottom of the videos, where it says "CC"

Why not playing a game in English afterwards? Click on the letters to form words. Be careful with spelling!

jueves, 19 de marzo de 2020

19/3: Father´s day

Today is Father´s day in Spain, but it is not celebrated today in other countries of the world.
In the link below, you can read a text written by a girl from the UK talking about what she does with her father on this day:

Do you do anything similar with your dads?

Also, if you want to revise the countries, capitals, etc, of Europe, you can click here to use the interactive maps:


miércoles, 18 de marzo de 2020


Good morning!

I have found this interesting video about claws ( what animals have) vs nails (what humans have).
(You can activate the subtitles at the bottom of the video)

Also, in this link there are lots of educational videos revising Natural and Social Science topics. They are in Spanish, so only use them when you need a break!

martes, 17 de marzo de 2020

17/3 St. Patrick´s Day

St Patrick’s Day is celebrated all over the world and is well known for a number of its traditions. Visit the following site to find the answers to the questions below:

  1. When did people first start wearing Shamrock to celebrate St Patrick?
  2. Why did Irish people use the Shamrock?
  3. What colour was originally associated with St Patrick?
  4. Who held the first St Patrick’s Day parade?
  5. How many people take part in the parade in New York?
  6. For how many days is St Patrick’s Day now celebrated in Ireland?
  7. Which river was first dyed green in 1962?
  8. Which famous places have been coloured green to celebrate St Patrick’s Day?
  9. What drinks are traditionally drunk on St Patrick’s Day?
  10. How many extra pints of Guinness are drunk on St Patrick’s Day?
  11. What traditional Irish food is often eaten on St Patrick’s Day?
Did you find all of them??

lunes, 16 de marzo de 2020


Hello everybody!

In this link, you can see the importance of washing your hands- always!

(at the bottom of the video you can activate the subtitles).

If you have younger brothers and sisters, you may want to do this experiment with them, to show them how important it is to wash our hands ( you can also activate the subtitles):

You should tell them that the pepper represents the virus, and the dishwasher liquid represents the soap we use when we wash our hands.

I also found this video that explains very well the difference between fact and opinion:

We talked about it last week when we were explaining how to order the adjectives.

Why don´t you leave a comment writing an opinion and a fact?

viernes, 13 de marzo de 2020


Today it´s Friday, so why don´t you do something fun? In this link you can play a game. How many words can you find in 3 minutes?

I have also found this app. It seems so be free, why don´t you have a look and tell me about it?

jueves, 12 de marzo de 2020

12-3-20: Natural Science and English

Molly has sent me the videos you were going to watch with her this Friday to revise for your external exams:

Video Properties of Matter (density, volume, mass):

Video "How do Ships Float?"

Video Physical v. Chemical  Changes:  

Video Physical States and Changes (solid, liquid, gas):  

Also, in this link you can read a text about dreams. When you finish, there are two quick exercises you can do. Write a comment telling me what you thought of the text!

miércoles, 11 de marzo de 2020

11-3-20: English and Social Science

Hello everyone!

In the link below, you can watch one of the videos we were going to work on in class for the International Women´s Day. It´s about gender inequality, and it´s explained by children:

After you watch it, why don´t you write a comment saying how you feel about it?

Social Science:

Revise the maps of Spain using the interactive maps in this link:

You can revise autonomous communities, provinces, rivers and relief.

Have fun!

martes, 10 de marzo de 2020

Trabajo para casa de Inglés y Natural Science, del 11 al 26 de marzo

Natural Science:

Hacer el simulacro de prueba externa. Pueden repasar los contenidos dados este curso con el libro.


- Hacer una página por día de las siguientes:
Students´book (en el cuaderno, siguiendo las normas habituales de clase): páginas 78, 79, 173, 174, 175 y 176
Activity book: página 59

- Una vez acaben estas tareas, del libro de préstamo del PET y KET, hacer en el cuaderno dos readings o un writing cada día, siguiendo el orden del libro.
Para los writing, copiar la rúbrica en la hoja en la que lo hagan.

¡Atención PET! No hacer la parte 2 del Writing. Hacer las dos preguntas de la parte 3 del Writing (una por día)

- También pueden repasar los contenidos de gramática en el blog, y practicar los exámenes externos aquí.

jueves, 5 de marzo de 2020

Describing people (6º, Unit 8)

Here you can learn some more adjectives to describe people:

In the following links, first listen and practice the pronunciation of the words. Then, go to the top of the page, and click in "Match 1", "Match 2" or "Match 3", "Fill in" or "Dictation" to practice:

If, when and unless (Unit 8, 6º)

Here you can practice using if and unless:

In these links, you can practice using when:

martes, 3 de marzo de 2020

6º Unit 8: Conditionals (Zero, first and second)

First, a brief explanation (and a couple of exercises to test your knowledge):

In these links you can practice each conditional on their own

In these links you can practice all the conditionals (zero, first and second conditionales),_FIRST,_AND_SECOND_CONDITIONALS_kd1447hm